Orphans are like wingless birds…
Gəlin, yetimlərin çöhrəsinə təbəssüm bəxş edək!
Babies growing up without love, trembling with cold and fear…
Little hearts beating helpless, lonely, hopeless…
Give them wings! Let’s take care of orphans!
Let’s not forget that every orphan has a right over us. It is our national tradition to hold hands. There is no family that does help a relative or neighbor.
If we extend a helping hand to orphans, meet their needs and provide them with education, we will have laid a solid foundation for a bright and happy future of our people.
Helping orphans opens the door to our countless blessings. If we take care of an orphan like our own child, help him to obtain education and grow as a person, we will not have any difficulty in taking our child to any school, teacher or doctor in the future!
It is our duty to realize the dreams of children waiting for the way of caring people in the cities and villages of our homeland. For the sake of the future of our Azerbaijan, let’s hurry to be the drops of love, joy and hope flowing into the hearts of orphans! It is a great happiness to fulfill an orphan’s dream.
Let’s bring smiles to their faces!