"Ourban is a month of unity and brotherhood!" Wishing them a better holiday... More Schoolchildren Joy Let them start the new school year carefree
do you want?
Mercy from heart to heart! Your monthly food aid for Baku and its regions
Have your share!
"Be hope for their bright future!" support for the education of applicants.
Ramadan is a month of mercy and blessings After the hearts are together, the distances
does not matter...
Bizə qoşul, öz töhfəni ver!

Xeyir əməllərlə həyatımızı birgə gözəlləşdirək

Xeyriyyə qurumu olaraq Biz, Siz xeyirsevərlərimizin dəstəyi ilə, ehtiyaclı ailələrə, bir və ya hər iki valideynini itirmiş uşaqlara, fiziki əngəlli insanlara, tənha yaşayan ehtiyaclı ahıllara,imkansız tələbə gənclərə və təbii fəlakətlər nəticəsində yardıma möhtac əhaliyə,əməliyyat və müalicə üçün maddi dəstəyə ehtiyaclı soydaşlarımıza ünvanlı yardımlar göstəririk.

Könüllü olmaq

Himayədar olmaq

İanə etmək

Əməkdaşlıq etmək

Join us, make your contribution!

Let's beautify the life with good deeds!

As a charity organization we provide targeted assistance with the help of You – benefactors  to the needy families, children who have lost one or both parents, people with disabilities, elderly lonely people in need, disadvantaged students, people in need of assistance as a result of natural disasters and the compatriots in need of financial support for surgery and treatment.

Be a volunteer

Become a patron


Become a cooperator


Those who need immediate support within our ongoing projects.

Snakes in the house, children in fear.

The required amount 2000 AZN

Be a drop for Yagmur

8300 manat are needed for the final stage of Yagmur’s post-operative treatment.

Help Elnur live!

After the death of her husband, a mother who raised 2 sons with difficulties needs our urgent support!

Video reports

Our goal in the projects we implement with the support of benefactors is to improve the social opportunities and living conditions of needy families.

What we have done and will do is our humanitarian duty to our country, state and people!


Our activities

The activity of the “Damla” Public Union is carried out with the help of philanthropists, charity projects and exhibitions

Food related

The most important needs of poor, unable-to-work families are the continuity of monthly food assistance. In order to support them in this area, we work with companies, markets, etc. We always need new collaborations to increase the number of our donations.

Educational assistance

Education is the way to the successful future of the people and the state. For this reason, our science and education support projects occupy a special place in our activities. Since 2012, every year we have been supporting poor but talented students from Baku and the regions in preparatory classes.

Medical care

Disease problems, which are one of the most difficult tests of humanity, become even more difficult when they are combined with financial incapacity. The joy given to poor families with medical assistance - they have increased feelings of love for humanity, hope for the future, and faith in good. The members of our "Volunteer Doctors" club, who always support us in this field, have great work and support.

Social aid

Sometimes a small gift, sometimes an ordinary item, sometimes needed clothes or a toy for our little friends - can bring great joy to a family. Clothing, household equipment, furniture, firewood, etc. for poor families. We are trying to fulfill your needs with your support.

Repair and construction assistance

Bu fəaliyyət sahəmiz  illərlə evi olmayan, acınacaqlı vəziyyətdə olan ailələr üçün yeni evin tikilməsi və evi olan, lakin çox şəraitsiz vəziyyətdə yaşayan ailələr üçün təmir işlərinin aparılmasını əhatə edir.

Moral and psychological support

Professional support is provided by our psychologists to persons belonging to the vulnerable group and in need of psychological support. Also, a special place in this field is allocated to our children without parental care.

Mədəni-Maarifləndirici Tədbirlər

Educational events - In addition to the success of children entrusted to us in education, it is important for them to participate in social events for the purpose of their socio-cultural development and worldview formation.


Our Mission

Staying true to the rich charitable traditions of our people:

- Promoting the development of a philanthropic culture and its widespread application in society.

- To provide assistance in a fair  manner to the needy, regardless of social, religious or racial difference.

Our Principles

Transparency in the work

- Integrity and high-quality work

- To mediate between the benefactors and the needy

- To collaborate with all segments of society with excellent and professional activities

Our Activity Map of Azerbaijan

Our activities in the regions are carried out with the support of our Volunteer representatives.


Our guests and visitors who continuously participate in the events we organize overtime, charity sales exhibitions, as well as other charity events we participate in, have a share of reward for every good deed we do.

Long-term Projects

Valideynini İtirmiş uşaqlar
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