Who we are

About Us

Who we are

 “Damla” PU is a charity organization and is set up to provide targeted social support for low-income families, children partially or completely deprived of the parental care, people with physical disabilities, older people living alone who have care needs, the young students in need and the population needing support as a result of natural disasters, our countrymen needing financial assistance for the surgery and treatment.

The activity, which started with the suggestions and diligence of volunteer benefactors as a small aid campaign in 2008, was officially registered as an NGO by the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan in 2010.


Our activiti

Investigation of social problems of families and individuals in need and deliver aid with philanthropic support.
  • - Food aid
  • - Social aid (clothing, home appliances, wood)
  • - Medical care
  • - Educational assistance
  • - Moral and psychological support
  • - Moral and psychological support

Our mission

Staying true to the rich charitable traditions of our people:

- Promoting the development of a philanthropic culture and its widespread application in society.

- To provide assistance in a fair  manner to the needy, regardless of social, religious or racial difference.

Our principles

-  Transparency in the work

- Integrity and high-quality work

- To mediate between the benefactors and the needy

- To collaborate with all segments of society with excellent and professional activities

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